
猫和老鼠的电影都有什么 跪求<猫和老鼠>英文介绍

2023-05-22 05:38:34 互联网 未知 科技

 猫和老鼠的电影都有什么 跪求<猫和老鼠>英文介绍


1992:猫和老鼠 电影的故事
2002:猫和老鼠 魔法戒指
2003:猫和老鼠 Paws.For.A.Holiday
2005:猫和老鼠 飞向火星
2006:猫和老鼠 疯狂赛车|猫和老鼠 海盗寻宝|猫和老鼠 别碰我的胡须 2007:猫和老鼠 胡桃夹子传奇


Tom and Jerry (MGM)
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Rare Tom and Jerry title card from the 1940s, no longer seen on re-issue prints.Tom and Jerry are an Academy Award-winning animated cat (Tom) and mouse (Jerry) team who formed the basis of a successful series of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) theatrical short subjects created, written and directed by animators William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (later of Hanna-Barbera fame).

The series was produced by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio in Hollywood from 1940 until 1957, when the animation unit was closed down. In 1960, MGM outsourced the production of Tom and Jerry to Rembrandt Films (led by Gene Deitch) in Eastern Europe.

In 1963, production of Tom and Jerry shorts returned to Hollywood with Chuck Jones Sib-Tower 12 Productions this series lasted until 1967. Tom and Jerry later resurfaced in TV cartoons produced by Hanna-Barbera (1975 - 1977 1990 - 1993) and Filmation Studios (1980 - 1982). The original MGM shorts helmed by Hanna and Barbera are notable for having won seven Academy Awards, tying it with Walt Disneys Silly Symphonies as the most-awarded theatrical animated series.