
希腊神话中双鱼座的故事。 希腊神话里星座的来历

2023-04-07 08:27:45 互联网 未知 地区


希腊神话中双鱼座的故事。 希腊神话里星座的来历

希腊神话:双鱼座的由来 ! 在一个阳光明媚的日子,众神于河畔设宴。美神阿弗罗裘特带着心爱的儿子小爱神丘比特盛装打扮准备去参加这个豪华的宴会。爱好音乐的众神们快乐的唱歌和弹奏乐器,气氛相当热络。宴会上,女神们个个打扮得惊艳无比,男神们则是人手一支酒杯,三五成群的在高谈阔论。而顽皮的小朋友们,早就已经按奈不住,玩起捉迷藏来了。正当诸神都沉浸在宴会欢乐的气氛中时,凄厉的叫声突然间传来,这就是肩膀下长出一百尾蛇,拥有大羽翼怪物的杰凡。这位不速之客外表狰狞,十分写恶。由于没有受到邀请,它决定破坏这个盛宴。他伸手把摆设食物的桌子推翻,把盆栽摔向水池中,还用可怕的表情,吓坏了在场的每个与会者。大家开始四处乱窜,原本美好的宴会,竟然变得如此惊慌失措,尖叫声、小孩子的哭声不绝於耳。众神一看不妙,乃四处逃走,宙斯化为鸟,阿波罗化为乌鸦,赫拉化为牡牛,裘林梭斯化为山羊,众神皆以动物之姿逃离。 这时候,阿弗罗裘特突然发现丘比特不见了,她紧张的到处寻找,也顾不得那位不速之客的存在了,阿弗罗裘特找遍了宴会的各个角落,终於在钢琴底下,找到了已经哧得混身发抖的丘比特,阿弗罗裘特不禁赶快将丘比特紧紧地抱在怀中。为了防止丘比特再度与她失散,阿弗罗裘特於是想了一个方法,用一条绳子将两个人的脚绑在一起,然后再变成两条鱼,遁入尤法拉特斯河中。那时彼此决定用缎带将两人尾巴绑在一起,永不分开,就这样顺利从怪物手中逃脱。母子俩就这样以尾巴相连,永不分离的姿势升天,这就是双鱼座的由来。


The Zodiac and the Constellations
The word "zodiac" means "circle of animals," and the name refers to the means taken by ancient astronomers to identify its various parts. Selecting stars that could be connected by lines to give a rude representation of some appropriate figure, they established twelve of these. The original signs, traced out this way in star patterns, are known as the "constellations" or collectively as the "natural zodiac," and they are seldom used in astrology. The reason is that the astronomical point which is taken as the zodiac’s beginning has a very slow clockwise movement in the skies. This is known as the "precession of the equinoxes," and it is sometimes used to define the great "ages" of human history. In the more than two thousand years since the zodiacal signs were established, the star-patterns which still name them are found about a whole sign out of position. This fact, not understood by opponents of astrology, is often cited as evidence of its supposed "unscientific basis."
The "animal" designations of the various signs were not only for the purpose of identifying the twelve sections of the heavens, but were also designed to dramatize the successive stages in human experience. The sun as a symbol of the will makes its annual "pilgrimage" through the zodiac and the order of events, or seasons of effort, are visualized as "ordeals" which in one way or another are typical in the lives of all men. This is the concept which took classical form in the twelve "labors of Hercules."
Since each person has his sun at birth in one out of these twelve divisions of the zodiac, the signs also sort people into twelve classes. Each class gives a special emphasis of some one part of the experience symbolized by the whole annual pilgrimage of the sun, or the will. The idea is that each man is found at some special point in this "pilgrimage" because it affords him the fullest chance to use his particular talents. The resulting concept of twelve basic types among human beings is represented in the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles.
