
springerplus是sci吗 springerplus 什么杂志

2024-01-08 09:45:45 互联网 未知 财经

 springerplus是sci吗 springerplus 什么杂志



范围: -SCIE(2013版)-

包含: plus

共查到期刊: 1 种

European Physical Journal Plus [2190-5444]

springerplus 什么杂志

Published under the SpringerOpen brand, SpringerPlus is a peer-reviewed, fully open access journal that publishes scientific research in all areas of science. SpringerPlus is a journal set up as a service to our authors: it offers easy submission and fast processing. SpringerPlus accepts all types of manuscripts including original research, case descriptions and methods, and encourages submission of data reports and large datasets. There is no restriction on the number of words or figures so authors are welcomed to submit audio, video, large tables or data files as supplementary data. Extensive formatting is not required manuscripts are accepted in any appropriate format.

SpringerPlus will not reject articles because the subject is deemed outside the scope, unfashionable, a niche field or unable to attract citations. The only essential requirement for acceptance is that the articles are deemed scientifically and methodically sound when judged by peer-reviewers. This allows quick decision-making and an efficient publication process.